Naturally Unnatural

As Europe is gripped by war yet again, we’re reminded of life’s uncertainties. The perceived stability heading into this decade is proving to be the exception not the rule. Life is change. Disruption naturally conflicts with futile attempts of staying the same. Yet as atrophy is expressed in our world through a natural disaster, nation, or human body there remains something very unnatural about it. Something C.S. Lewis describes as our sense of ought.

That war or that disease simply ought not be. In a natural world defined by disruption how do we as human beings continue looking at a broken world with a sense of this is not how it ought to be? This is a profound question that the Christian and the atheist must consider. Humanity with all its diversity looks upon the injustice within in the world and decries it ought not be! If we’re hardwired for natural selection and survival of the fittest then where does that sense of ought originate? There’s no explanation other than humanity’s inherent quality of the Imago Dei.

The disruptions marking our world currently aren’t far removed. Be it violence or virus, personal pain is felt as people we know face danger and death. Communication has now made it possible to talk in real time on a personal level with those in a war zone. Everything, for better or worse, has been impacted by the accessibility technology brings. But also giving rise is the beauty that comes forth from ashes; life that comes forth out of death. Light always overtakes the darkness.

The Image of God isn’t derived from within or without. Circumstances have no bearing. The Imago Dei is derived from our Creator. Our most inherent quality can only come from above.

Have we looked at the disruption of our world and considered the sense it ought not be? It’s a great point of discussion with our families and friends. The natural world didn’t put that sense of ought in us. That can only come from a Creator God who designed us for holiness and eternity. When we look at the brokenness of this world, we can all see the discrepancy that things are not as they ought to be.

Would you like to hear some good news though? Present reality does not define our future hope.

11 Look, your salvation is coming, His wages are with Him, and His reward accompanies Him. 12 And they will be called the Holy People, the LORD’S Redeemed; and you will be called Cared For, A City Not Deserted. Isaiah 62:11-12

Let’s stand in the gap, remaining diligent in prayer, as we await our future hope. Things are not as they ought to be but one day soon they most certainly will.

Craig Rush