Just Show Up Part II

The marathon is in the rearview mirror. There were a few doubtful moments, but here I am on the other side, and I have a story to share. It’s a strange feeling to complete something that has been months on the horizon. I’m sure we’ve all had the experience of anticipating something for an extended time and the surreal feeling once it’s past. It was an amazing experience, and while I don’t plan to sign up for another one today, I would like to take what I’ve learned and go for it again.

Preparation puts us in a position to succeed but experience is the real teacher. I thought I knew what was before me but 20 miles into the race I realized it was just beginning. I tried to keep up with the 3:35 pace group but they kept fading away like the end of a song. But I didn’t stop running. The number one goal was to run a marathon and I ran that marathon in 3 hours and 50 minutes. Well, maybe that marathon ran me, but either way I didn’t stop!

At mile 20 I was convinced I couldn’t make the additional 6.2 miles, but I could make it to the next water station. Water stations became the goal. Just make it to the next water station! The best water station of all was just after the finish line! That water station had apple juice boxes and I must have had 15! When we can’t do it all, it helps to focus on what we can do. Maybe we can make it to the next stop and go from there!

Running 26.2 miles is a metaphor for life. We tend to celebrate the highs but most of life is lived in the daily grind. It’s an underrated quality but continuing to show up when many have moved on is difficult to do. Consistency may be one of the greatest attributes a person can have! We don’t give out a lot of consistency awards but I’m thinking about several people in my life who have made a big difference simply through consistency. Thank God for those people.

Often, life’s big picture can be disorienting. How can we ever make it through? Twenty miles into the race and it felt like bricks were attached to my feet. There are times in life we feel 20 miles into the race and the big picture is overwhelming. We may not believe we’re capable of the full distance but maybe we can make it to the next water station. God has a way of using things outside ourselves to keep us moving forward even if it’s just to the next water station. Maybe it’s a word of encouragement or time spent with a friend. God has a way of speaking to us through His word or through others just when we need it.

There is a finish line to the struggle. Psalm 30:5b says, “Weeping may spend the night, but there is joy in the morning.” Sometimes it’s only by faith that we take the next step but eventually our pain does give way to joy. Joy is the stronger force because it’s a fruit of God’s Spirit. We don’t produce joy; it’s a product of God’s Spirit! But the night can feel awfully long. After 25 miles, I could see the finish line, but it appeared to blow further back with each gust of wind. It didn’t but our minds can play terrible games. The finish line remained, and it was achieved one foot in front of the other. It’s a miracle what God can do when we just keep showing up.

Craig Rush